Introduction to Vaping Series: How to Fill a Clearomiser

Introduction to Vaping Series: How to Fill a Clearomiser

Introduction to Vaping Series:

How to fill and use a basic clearomiser e-cigarette

Maybe you are curious, or maybe you just can't resist the flavour trove that vaping has to offer, or most likely you want to finally quit smoking. Chances are if you are new to vaping or recently quit smoking and started with an electronic cigarette you are using a basic battery and clearomizer.

In 5 easy steps you will learn how to fill your new e-cigarette and prepare for use.


A basic Clearomiser e-cigarette ...

Basic Clearomiser electronic Cigarette


Remove your battery by unscrewing it from the clearomizer


Remove the tip of your clearomizer(top fill) or the base(bottom fill)


Your electronic cigarette will now be in three pieces (The battery section, the tip and the liquid containing Clearomiser)


Fill with an eliquid of your choice avoiding the airflow hole

Fill Clearomiser with e-liquid


Now reassemble and allow 5 minutes for the liquid to steep!

Now that you have prepared your e-cigarette, it's time to use it. After reassembly, simply click the the button on the battery 5 times in quick succession to turn it on(or off). When you are ready, hold the button down while inhaling through the tip.